Architecture is a passion, a science, a social and visual art, comprehension of a particular concept, or idea and eventually a business. It is everywhere. Home, school, office, hospital and supermarket were designed for their particular purpose. It can affect the way we relate to each other, increase business productivity, support communities and neighborhoods, improve health, and even decrease crime. In modern commercial society, buildings are seen in terms of finance, cost and return on capital.

Interior Architecture bridges the interior design and architecture that have a structural education with an emphasis on interior spaces.

Since architecture is an expression of the strengths, values, desires, ways of thinking and ideals, ideology as well as technological progress of the society, architects represent a great force in physical environment of human civilization.

Therefore, we at UN decided to design an architectural educational program for architecture industry leaders in Italy to examine some of the future challenges of this industry like climate changes, Recycling and Reusing, Renovation Instead of Demolition and etc.

Working to unify architects, influence public policies and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.